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Explore our extensive collection of anatomy eBooks at our gift shop, specially curated for medical and nursing professionals and students. Our selection features essential resources that provide in-depth knowledge and insights into human anatomy, making them indispensable for your studies and professional practice. Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding, prepare for exams, or find the perfect gift for a colleague or aspiring healthcare worker, our anatomy ebooks are designed to meet your needs. Visit our gift shop today to discover the top anatomy ebooks that will enhance your educational journey and professional expertise.

Master Anatomy with eBooks

  1. 10% OFF Gray's Anatomy E-Book eBook
    Gray's Anatomy E-Book

    Edited by Susan Standring

    May 2021

    Special Price ₹19,039.50 ₹21,155.00
  2. 10% OFF Abrahams' and McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy E-Book eBook
    Abrahams' and McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy E-Book

    Peter H. Abrahams

    Dec 2018

    Special Price ₹6,653.70 ₹7,393.00
  3. 10% OFF Fitzgerald's Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience E-Book eBook
    Fitzgerald's Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience E-Book

    Estomih Mtui

    Aug 2020

    Special Price ₹5,822.10 ₹6,469.00
  4. 10% OFF Weir & Abrahams' Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy E-Book eBook
    Weir & Abrahams' Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy E-Book

    Jonathan Spratt

    Jun 2020

    Special Price ₹6,284.70 ₹6,983.00
  5. 10% OFF Gray's Surgical Anatomy E-Book eBook
    Gray's Surgical Anatomy E-Book

    Edited by Peter A. Brennan

    Nov 2019

    Special Price ₹14,880.60 ₹16,534.00

Complete Anatomy

The world’s most advanced 3D anatomy platform, built to take you through each stage of your anatomy journey with groundbreaking 3D models, virtual dissections, interactive learning and so much more.

Learn visually with Osmosis

The all-in-one platform that empowers medical, nursing and health professional students, educators and lifelong learners to think clinically, and provides you with the right study techniques to help you retain, understand and study more efficiently.