Churchill Livingstone's Dictionary of Sport and Exercise Science and Medicine E-Book, 1st Edition
The dictionary is designed to be a pocket companion, for ready access by students, postgraduates, trainers, and health professionals involved in sport and exercise. It provides definitions and short accounts of terms used and techniques employed in the study and practical application of the relevant anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and psychology, and of commonly associated medical problems and treatments. Illustrations are included in the A-Z text, and appendices provide additional reference information and sources for further study.
Publication Date :
The dictionary is designed to be a pocket companion, for ready access by students, postgraduates, trainers, and health professionals involved in sport and exercise. It provides definitions and short accounts of terms used and techniques employed in the study and practical application of the relevant anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and psychology, and of commonly associated medical problems and treatments. Illustrations are included in the A-Z text, and appendices provide additional reference information and sources for further study.
Key Features
- Wide coverage in A-Z text of relevant basic and applied topics relevant to sport and exercise.
- Full contact information for professional associations.
- Illustrations, graphs and tables.
- Team of expert contributors.
Author Information
By Sheila Jennett, MD, PhD, FRCP(Glasg), Professor Emeritus, Hon Senior Research Fellow Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences University of Glasgow, IBLS West Medical Building University of Glasgow, UK