SECTION 1 Craniofacial Trauma, 1
Chapter 1 Management of Frontal Bone Fracture, 2
1 Frontal Sinus Outer Table Fracture without Involvement of Frontonasal Duct, 2
2 Infected Frontal Sinus with Outer Table Fracture, 4
3 Frontal Sinus Inner Table Fracture without Displacement, 6
4 Frontal Sinus Comminuted Inner Table Fracture, 8
5 Frontal Sinus Outer Table Fracture with Drooping of Eyebrow, 9
Chapter 2 Correction of Naso-Orbito-Ethmoidal Complex, 24
1 Transnasal Wiring, 24
2 Modifi ed Miniplate Technique, 26
3 Z-Plasty with Modifi ed Miniplate Technique, 29
Chapter 3 Management of Zygomatico-Orbital Fractures, 40
1 One-Point Fixation, 40
2 Two-Point Fixation, 42
3 Three-Point Fixation, 44
4 Orbital Floor Reconstruction, 46
5 Malunited Zygoma Correction, 48
6 Enophthalmos, Hypoglobus and Telecanthus Correction, 50
7 Periorbital Defect Reconstructed with Rib Graft and Scar Revision, 53
Chapter 4 Mandibular Condyle Fractures, 65
1 Bilateral Mandibular Condyle Fracture in a Child, 65
2 Bilateral Medially Displaced Condylar Fracture Treated by ORIF, 67
3 Unilateral Medially Displaced Condylar Fracture Treated by ORIF, 70
Chapter 5 Management of Ballistic Injury, 83
1 Rifl e Injury – Orbital Blowout Fracture, 83
2 Shrapnel Injury – Palatal Fistula, 87
SECTION 2 Facial Reanimation, 97
Chapter 6 Management of Facial Paralysis, 98
1 Depressor Labii Inferioris Muscle Plication, 98
2 Extraoral Static Suspension, 100
3 Intraoral Static Suspension, 101
4 McLaughlin Technique, 103
5 Labbe’s Technique – Partial Muscle Mobilization, 106
6 Labbe’s Technique – Total Muscle Mobilization, 109
7 Temporalis Muscle Transfer with Fascia Lata – Rhytidectomy Incision, 110
8 Masseter Muscle and Palmaris Longus Tendon Transfer, 112
9 Gillie’s Technique, 117
10 Complete Temporalis Muscle Transfer with Fascia Lata, 119
Chapter 7 Correction of Blepharoptosis, 128
1 Resection of Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle by Anterior Cutaneous Approach, 128
2 Frontalis Suspension with Palmaris Longus Tendon, 130
3 Frontalis Suspension with Silicone Aurosling, 134
SECTION 3 Congenital Craniofacial Deformities, 145
Chapter 8 Correction of Craniofacial Microsomia, 146
1 Kaban-Modifi ed Pruzansky (KMP) Type IIa – CCG Reconstruction, 146
2 CCG Reconstruction for KMP Type I, 149
3 Simultaneous Maxillomandibular Distraction for KMP Type I, 152
4 Simultaneous Maxillomandibular Distraction with Acute Callus Moulding, 158
5 Simultaneous Maxillomandibular Distraction and Genioplasty, 160
6 Distraction of Nongrowing Costochondral Graft and Orthognathic Surgery, 164
7 Mandibular Distraction with Callus Moulding and Orthognathic Surgery, 167
8 Simultaneous Maxillomandibular Distraction and Dermal Fat Grafting, 171
9 Bilateral Mandibular Distraction for Bilateral Craniofacial Microsomia, 175
Chapter 9 Management of Craniofacial Syndromes, 184
1 Hypertelorism – Box Osteotomy with Modifi ed Lefort I osteotomy, 184
2 Hypertelorism Correction with Box Osteotomy, 188
3 Crouzon Syndrome (Acrocephalosyndactyly Type II) – LeFort III Advancement, 193
4 Crouzon Syndrome (Acrocephalosyndactyly Type – II) – LeFort III Advancement with Distraction
Osteogenesis, 196
5 Crouzon Syndrome Correction with Lefort III Advancement, 199
6 Crouzon Syndrome, 201
7 Treacher Collins Syndrome – Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, 205
8 Pfeiffer Syndrome – LeFort III Advancement Using Kawamoto Distractor, 210
9 Pierre Robin Syndrome with TMJ Ankylosis, 214
10 Proteus Syndrome, 218
11 Soft Tissue Augmentation in Parry–Romberg Syndrome Using a Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Flap, 225
12 Soft Tissue Augmentation Using Free Dermal Fat Graft from the Gluteal Region, 226
Chapter 10 Management of Craniofacial Clefts, 234
1 Tessier No. 0 with Defi ciency of Tissue in the Midline, 234
2 Incomplete Tessier No. 0 with Excess Soft Tissue in the Midline, 235
3 Tessier No. 14 with Absence of Corpus Callosum, 237
4 Tessier No. 1 with Isolated Alar Defect, 240
5 Correction of Hypertelorism in Tessier No. 1 and No. 13, 242
6 Tessier No. 2 and No. 12 with Orbital Dystopia, 246
7 Medial Orbitomaxillary Cleft, 250
8 Oro-naso-ocular Cleft, 251
9 Bilateral Medial Orbitomaxillary Cleft, 254
10 Oro-naso-occular Cleft Showing Tessier No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 259
11 Tessier No. 6 (Microform Treacher Collins syndrome), 262
12 Tessier No. 6 (Microform Treacher Collins syndrome), 264
13 Macrostomia with Preauricular Skin Tag, 266
14 Hypertelorism Tessier No. 11, 271
SECTION 4 Craniofacial Reconstruction, 279
Chapter 11 Reconstruction of Forehead, 280
Chapter 12 Reconstruction of Eye Using Prosthesis, 285
1 Left Eye Staphyloma Correction with Evisceration and Eye Prosthesis, 285
2 Secondary Deformity Correction of Eye, Nose and Maxilla, 287
3 Secondary deformity correction of Eye, Nose and Maxilla, 290
Chapter 13 Reconstruction of Ear, 297
1 Unilateral (Small Concha–Type) Microtia Correction Using Costal Cartilage, 297
2 Unilateral (Atypical-Type) Microtia Correction Using Costal Cartilage, 301
3 Folded Ear Correction, 307
4 Cup Ear Deformity, 309
5 Bat Ear Deformity, 315
6 Ear Lobe Deformity, 319
7 Ear lobe Reconstruction, 321
Chapter 14 Reconstruction of Nose, 325
1 Unilateral Alar Defect Reconstructed Using Forehead Flap, 325
2 Reconstruction of Nose Using Forehead Flap, 328
3 Reconstruction of Nose Using Forehead Flap, 330
4 Alar Base Reconstruction Using Nasolabial Flap, 332
5 Columellar and Nasal Tip Reconstruction Using Forehead Flap, 334
Chapter 15 Reconstruction of Mandible, 339
1 En bloc/Marginal Resection of Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor (KCOT) with Reconstruction Using Rib Graft, 339
2 En bloc/Marginal Resection of KCOT – Reconstruction Using Rib Graft in Mandible and Enucleation
with Peripheral Ostectomy in Maxilla, 341
3 Segmental resection of KCOT and Reconstruction Using Rib Graft, 344
4 Enucleation of Dentigerous Cyst and Reconstruction Using rhBMP-2, 347
5 Aneurysmal Bone Cyst – Segmental Resection and Reconstruction Using Rib Graft 1 rhBMP-2, 349
6 Unicystic Ameloblastoma – En bloc Resection with Peripheral Ostectomy, 351
7 Ameloblastoma – Marginal Mandibulectomy and Reconstruction of the Defect Using Nonvascularized
Rib Graft (NVRG), 353
8 Ameloblastoma – Segmental Resection and Primary Reconstruction with Nonvascularized Rib Graft (NVRG)
and Reconstruction plate, 357
9 Segmental resection of Ameloblastoma and Reconstruction Using Transport Distraction Osteogenesis (TDO), 359
10 Ameloblastoma – Segmental Resection and Reconstruction Using Transport Distraction Osteogenesis, 362
11 Juvenile Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma-Resection of Mandible Along with Reconstruction Using Rib
Grafts _ rhBMP-2 and Total Excision of Lesion from Maxilla, 366
12 Ectodermal Dysplasia Reconstructed with Rib Graft _ rhBMP-2 _ Implants, 370
13 Ectodermal Dysplasia – Ridge Reconstruction using Rib graft _ rhBMP-2 Rib Graft _ Implants, 372
14 Mandibular Fracture with Infected Plates – Reconstructed Using Rib Graft _ rhBMP-2, 374
Chapter 16 Management of TMJ Ankylosis, 381
1 Paediatric Onset Unilateral TMJ Ankylosis – CCG Favourable Growth, 381
2 Paediatric Onset Bilateral TMJ Ankylosis – CCG Favourable Growth, 384
3 Paediatric Onset Unilateral TMJ Ankylosis – CCG Overgrowth, 387
4 Paediatric Onset Unilateral TMJ Ankylosis – CCG Undergrowth, 392
5 Paediatric Onset Bilateral TMJ Ankylosis – CCG Reankylosis/Overgrowth, 394
6 Postgap Arthroplasty Contralateral Ankylosis – Bilateral CCG Favourable Growth, 399
7 Distraction Osteogenesis for Correction of Facial Asymmetry in TMJ Ankylosis, 404
8 Paediatric Ankylosis Bilateral Distraction of Nongrowing CCG, 406
9 Adult Onset Unilateral Ankylosis – Interposition Arthroplasty and Genioplasty, 410
10 TMJ Ankylosis with Tracheomalacia, 414
SECTION 5 Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction, 425
Chapter 17 Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction, 426
1 Lateral Tongue Flap, 426
2 Inferiorly Based Nasolabial Flap for OSMF Involving Oral Commissure, 427
3 Extended Nasolabial Flap (Gullwing Flap), 429
4 Inferiorly Based Nasolabial Flap, 431
SECTION 6 Facial Space Infections, 437
Chapter 18 Management of Space Infections, 438
1 Buccal Space Infection, 438
2 Submandibular Space Infection, 439
3 Masseteric Space Infection, 440
4 Infraorbital Space Infection (Canine Space Infection), 442
5 Ludwig’s Angina, 443
SECTION 7 Miscellaneous, 457
I Masseter Hypertrophy, 458
II Macroglossia, 464
III Tissue Expansion, 474
IV Pharyngoplasty, 483
V Haemangioma, 492
VI Mole Excision, 498
VII Lip Debulking with Gingivectomy, 501
VIII Management of Haemophilia in Cleft Patient, 503
IX Medial Canthoplexy, 506
X Craniosynostosis, 508
Index, 519