Clinical Pharmacology - E-Book, 12th Edition
‘The very last thing a drug regulator wishes to be able to say is, like Lord Byron (1788-1824), on the publication of his poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, ‘I awoke one morning and found myself famous.’
The twelfth edition of this long-established textbook of clinical pharmacology (first published in 1960) continues its fine tradition of balancing science and practice for improved evidence-based drug therapy and good prescribing in therapeutic settings increasingly complicated by intercurrent disease and polypharmacy.
‘The very last thing a drug regulator wishes to be able to say is, like Lord Byron (1788-1824), on the publication of his poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, ‘I awoke one morning and found myself famous.’
The twelfth edition of this long-established textbook of clinical pharmacology (first published in 1960) continues its fine tradition of balancing science and practice for improved evidence-based drug therapy and good prescribing in therapeutic settings increasingly complicated by intercurrent disease and polypharmacy.
New to this edition
- Fully updated throughout.
- New co-editor: Fraz Mir, Addenbrooke’s Hospital and Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge.
- Now with free e-book on StudentConsult.
Key Features
- Coverage of all major therapeutic topics by body system.
- Introductory sections give brief chapter synopses.
- Case studies where relevant.
- Covers the needs of the developing world with a focus on practical prescribing and health technology assessment.
- Definition, tips, brief explanation boxes throughout.
- Interesting histories, etymologies and provenances of terms throughout.
- Entertaining footnotes throughout.
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