Author Information
By Glen Gillen, EdD, OTR, FAOTA, Associate Director and Associate Professor, Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Occupational Therapy), Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York
1. Overview of Cognitive and Perceptual Rehabilitation
2. General Considerations: Evaluations and Interventions for Those Living with Functional Limitations Secondary to Cognitive and Perceptual Impairments
3. Managing Visual and Spatial Impairments to Optimize Function
4. Self-Awareness and Insight: Foundations for Intervention
-Appendix 4-1. Evidence-Based Practice for Awareness Interventions
5. Managing Apraxia to Optimize Function
-Appendix 5-1. Evidence-Based Interventions for Apraxia Focused on Improving Daily Function
6. Managing Unilateral Neglect to Optimize Function
-Appendix 6-1. Evidence-Based Interventions for Neglect Focused on Improving Daily Function
7. Managing Agnosias to Optimize Function
-Appendix 7-1. Evidence-Based Practice for Agnosia Interventions
8. Managing Attention Deficits to Optimize Function
-Appendix 8-1. Evidence-Based Interventions Focused on Improving Activity Performance and Participation for those with Attention Impairments
9. Managing Memory Deficits to Optimize Function
-Appendix 9-1. Evidence-Based Interventions for Memory Loss Focused on Improving Daily Function
10. Managing Executive Function Impairments to Optimize Function
-Appendix 10-1. Evidence-Based Interventions for Impairments of Executive Functions Focused on Improving Daily Function
11. Application of Concepts: Case Studies
Appendix A. The Glasgow Coma Scale
Appendix B. Rancho Levels of Cognitive Functioning Revised and The Family Guide to the Rancho Levels of Cognitive Functioning Revised
"Cognitive and Perceptual Rehabilitation is a very valuable resource for clinicians, with a comprehensive list of references to ensure best practice. It would be a very beneficial and practical book to have within any occupational therapy department…It would also be an excellent reference for students."
The Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, Summer 2009, Volume 37 (1)