Now fully revised and up to date, ExpertDDx: Pediatrics, second edition, quickly guides you to the most likely differential diagnoses based on key imaging findings and clinical information. Designed with the busy practitioner in mind, this superbly illustrated resource covers more than 1,500 diagnoses encountered by pediatric radiologists and their referring clinicians, discussed by general imaging features, modality-specific findings, and clinically based indications. The broad spectrum of coverage includes cardiac, chest, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, brain, head and neck, and spine pediatric diseases—all clearly presented to guide you through useful, actionable differential diagnoses that lead to definitive findings.
Key Features
- Presents multiple clear, sharp, succinctly annotated images for each diagnosis (with nearly 3,000 annotated images in all); a list of diagnostic possibilities sorted as common, less common, and rare but significant; and brief, bulleted text offering helpful diagnostic clues
- Shows both typical and variant manifestations of each possible diagnosis
- Includes new cases, expanded differential considerations, updated nomenclature and classification of diseases, and updated imaging throughout
- Covers new and evolving workup strategies due to recent study and experience, advances in technology (new modalities, sequences, and contrast agents), and changing safety considerations
Author Information
By A. Carlson Merrow Jr., MD, FAAP, Division Director, Emergency and Critical Care Imaging, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio
High-Output Heart Failure
Massive Cardiomegaly
Cardiac or Pericardial Mass
Acyanotic Heart Disease With Increased Vascularity
Cyanotic Heart Disease With Decreased Vascularity
Cyanotic Heart Disease With Variable or Increased Vascularity
Right Atrial Enlargement
Right Ventricular Enlargement
Small Pulmonary Artery
Prominent Pulmonary Artery
Left Atrial Enlargement
Left Heart Obstructive Lesion
Congenital Aortic Arch Anomalies
Obstructive Aortic Arch Lesions
Dilated Thoracic Aorta
Situs Anomalies
Reticulonodular Infiltrate
Neonatal Irregular Lung Opacities
Bubbly Lungs
Unilateral Hyperlucent Lung
Bilateral Hyperlucent Lungs
Lung Cavity
Lucent Lung Mass
Round Lung Mass
Multiple Pulmonary Nodules
Neonatal Chest Mass
Chest Wall Mass
Rib Lesion
Mediastinal Widening
Anterior Mediastinal Mass
Middle Mediastinal Mass
Posterior Mediastinal Mass
Esophageal Stricture
Esophageal Extrinsic Impressions
Neonatal Proximal Bowel Obstruction
Neonatal Distal Bowel Obstruction
Dilated Stomach
Duodenal Obstruction
Small Bowel Obstructions Beyond Neonates
Diffusely Abnormal Small Bowel
Acute Abdomen in Infants and Children
Right Lower Quadrant Pain
Abnormal Appendix
Mesenteric Lesions
Cystic Abdominal Mass
Abdominal Mass in Neonate
Solid Abdominal Mass in Child
Abdominal Aortic Anomalies
Hepatic Mass in Neonate
Hepatic Mass in Child
Multiple Liver Lesions
Pancreatic Mass
Splenic Lesions
Abdominal Calcifications in Child
Metallic Foreign Bodies
Retroperitoneal Mass
Suprarenal Mass
Solid Renal Mass, Solitary
Solid Renal Mass, Multifocal
Renal Cysts
Bilateral Hydronephrosis
Unilateral Hydronephrosis
Pelvic Mass
Ovarian Mass
Scrotal Mass
Scrotal Pain
Bladder Mass
Urethral Variations and Abnormalities
Epiphyseal Irregularity or Stippling
Epiphyseal Overgrowth
Dense Metaphyseal Bands and Lines
Lucent Metaphyseal Bands and Lines
Metaphyseal Fraying/Irregularity
Metaphyseal Cupping
Physeal Widening
Physeal Bridge/Growth Arrest
Bubbly Bone Lesion
Multifocal Nonaggressive Bone Lesions
Multifocal Aggressive Bone Lesions
Extensive Marrow Abnormalities
Diaphyseal Lesion
Sclerotic Bone Lesions
Painful Hip
Abnormal Femoral Head
Coxa Magna Deformity
Joint Effusion or Synovitis
Arthritis in Child
Elbow Fractures
Radial Dysplasia/Aplasia
Lower Extremity Bowing
Congenital Foot Deformity
Skeletal Dysplasia With Short Extremities
Skeletal Dysplasia With Short Ribs
Skeletal Dysplasia With Major Spine Involvement
Focal Gigantism/Macrodactyly
Soft Tissue Mass
Soft Tissue Calcifications
Multifocal Periosteal Reaction
Child Abuse
Subarachnoid Space Normal Variants
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Suprasellar Mass
Pineal Mass
Cerebral Hemisphere Mass
Lateral Ventricular Mass
Posterior Fossa Neoplasm
Cystic-Appearing Posterior Fossa Lesion
Extraaxial Mass
Brain Tumor in Newborn or Infant
Thick Cerebral Cortex
Abnormal Shape/Configuration of Corpus Callosum
Signal/Attenuation Abnormalities of Corpus Callosum
Abnormal Brainstem Morphology
Congenital Cerebellar Malformation
Intracranial Calcifications
Multifocal White Matter Abnormalities
Metabolic Disorders Affecting Primarily White Matter
Diffuse Abnormalities of Myelination
Deep Gray Nuclei Abnormalities
Ring-Enhancing Lesions
Craniocervical Arterial Stenosis
Sulcal or Cisternal Enhancement
Skull Base Lesion
Head and Neck
Thickened Retropharyngeal Tissues
Enlarged Lymph Nodes in Neck
Solid Neck Mass in Neonate
Solid Neck Mass in Child
Cystic Neck Mass in Child
Transspatial Mass
Extraluminal Gas in Neck
Ocular Lesion
Optic Nerve or Nerve Sheath Lesion
Rapidly Developing Proptosis
Sinonasal Mass
Congenital Midline Nasal Lesion
Nasal Obstruction in Newborn
Congenital Anomalies of Skull Base
Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Child
Inner Ear Lesion in Child
Middle Ear Lesion in Child
Bullet-Shaped Vertebra/Anterior Vertebral Body Beaking
Scalloped Vertebral Bodies
Vertebra Plana or Platyspondyly
Back Pain
Spinal Dysraphic Lesion
Presacral or Sacrococcygeal Mass
Intramedullary Spinal Cord Lesion