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Fetal Monitoring in Practice E-Book, 4th Edition

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Edited by Donald Gibb, MD MRCP FRCOG and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran
The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes ...view more

The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic "bookshelf", so that you can search across your entire library of Midwifery eBooks.

*Please note that this version is the eBook only and does not include the printed textbook. Alternatively, you can buy the Text and Evolve eBooks Package (which gives you the printed book plus the eBook). Please scroll down to our Related Titles section to find this title.

Simple, direct and practical, this popular book has been comprehensively updated to cover recent guidelines and procedures. It offers a practical and accessible approach to fetal monitoring, to ensure both safe delivery and recognising the emotional needs of the mother and family. Essential concepts are presented in an accessible manner, well illustrated with real case histories and heart-rate patterns.

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The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic "bookshelf", so that you can search across your entire library of Midwifery eBooks.

*Please note that this version is the eBook only and does not include the printed textbook. Alternatively, you can buy the Text and Evolve eBooks Package (which gives you the printed book plus the eBook). Please scroll down to our Related Titles section to find this title.

Simple, direct and practical, this popular book has been comprehensively updated to cover recent guidelines and procedures. It offers a practical and accessible approach to fetal monitoring, to ensure both safe delivery and recognising the emotional needs of the mother and family. Essential concepts are presented in an accessible manner, well illustrated with real case histories and heart-rate patterns.

New to this edition
    • Incorporates the latest guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
    • Expanded author team provides an international perspective
    • Includes new and expanded information on clinical assessment, complications including infection, anaemia and bleeding and medical litigation,
    • Contains a new chapter on competency testing in CTG interpretation prior to practice

Key Features
  • Accessible, straightforward style
  • Real case histories and fetal heart-rate patterns
  • Recording of maternal heart rate
  • Fetal ECG waveform analysis
  • Basic pathophysiology

Author Information
Edited by Donald Gibb, MD MRCP FRCOG, Independent Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, The Birth Company (part of The Portland Hospital), Harley Street, London, UK and Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, Professor Emeritus, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St George’s University of London, London, UK