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Key Topics in Public Health, 1st Edition

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Edited by Linda Ewles, BSc, SRD, MSc, MA
The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes ...view more

The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic "bookshelf", so that you can search across your entire library of Nursing eBooks.

*Please note that this version is the eBook only and does not include the printed textbook. Alternatively, you can buy the Text and Evolve eBooks Package (which gives you the printed book plus the eBook). Please scroll down to our Related Titles section to find this title.

Key Topics is a short, easy-to-read text that provides basic information about twelve key topics in public health, such as diabetes, cancer, smoking and teenage pregnancy, and how prevention and health promotion should be tackled at community and one-to-one levels. The twelve topics are the 'must-dos' of public health action. They have been selected because they are those addressed in current national public health strategies such as Saving Lives: our healthier nation, and comparable strategies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Many are the subject of National Service Frameworks and other national policies and plans; they are often accompanied by targets which health workers are expected to meet. Topics often relate to each other (e.g. smoking and cancer) so cross-references will be provided.

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The eBook version of this title gives you access to the complete book content electronically*. Evolve eBooks allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other Evolve eBooks titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic "bookshelf", so that you can search across your entire library of Nursing eBooks.

*Please note that this version is the eBook only and does not include the printed textbook. Alternatively, you can buy the Text and Evolve eBooks Package (which gives you the printed book plus the eBook). Please scroll down to our Related Titles section to find this title.

Key Topics is a short, easy-to-read text that provides basic information about twelve key topics in public health, such as diabetes, cancer, smoking and teenage pregnancy, and how prevention and health promotion should be tackled at community and one-to-one levels. The twelve topics are the 'must-dos' of public health action. They have been selected because they are those addressed in current national public health strategies such as Saving Lives: our healthier nation, and comparable strategies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Many are the subject of National Service Frameworks and other national policies and plans; they are often accompanied by targets which health workers are expected to meet. Topics often relate to each other (e.g. smoking and cancer) so cross-references will be provided.

Key Features
  • Accessible and useful, in clear plain English.
  • Provides a foundation for further study, planning a work programme, or planning a strategy to meet targets.
  • Practical focus: on health inequalities and how to tackle them, and on help for practitioners who work at a community and one-to-one level.
  • Explicit links to national current public health policy and targets. Reflects recommendations based on best practice and evidence of effectiveness.
  • Focuses on a topic framework (except for the last two chapters) in contrast to other frameworks for health promotion and public health.
  • Attractive layout making full use of bullet points and boxes.
  • Simple line diagrams or tables to illustrate each chapter.

Author Information
Edited by Linda Ewles, BSc, SRD, MSc, MA, Freelance Public Health Consultant and Writer, Bristol, UK