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Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology, 1st Edition

Author :
By Barry Berkovitz, BDS, MSc, PhD, FDS (ENG), Bernard J. Moxham, BSc, BDS, PhD, FHEA, FRSB, Hon FAS, FSAE, Roger W. A. Linden, BDS, PhD, MFDS, RCS and Alastair J. Sloan, BSc, PhD
Master Dentistry: Oral Biology is designed as a revision guide for dental students and offers the ‘curriculum essentials’ in an easy-to-digest format. Each section is fully illustrated throughout and is supported by extensive self-assessment ...view more

Master Dentistry: Oral Biology is designed as a revision guide for dental students and offers the ‘curriculum essentials’ in an easy-to-digest format. Each section is fully illustrated throughout and is supported by extensive self-assessment questions which allow the reader to assess their own knowledge of the topic and perfect their exam techniques.

New to the Master Dentistry series, this volume addresses oral anatomy and its related histology, physiology and biochemistry and is perfect for both undergraduate students and post-graduates preparing for the MJDF.

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Master Dentistry: Oral Biology is designed as a revision guide for dental students and offers the ‘curriculum essentials’ in an easy-to-digest format. Each section is fully illustrated throughout and is supported by extensive self-assessment questions which allow the reader to assess their own knowledge of the topic and perfect their exam techniques.

New to the Master Dentistry series, this volume addresses oral anatomy and its related histology, physiology and biochemistry and is perfect for both undergraduate students and post-graduates preparing for the MJDF.

Key Features
    • Quick reference revision aid for dental students – ideal for exam preparation!
    • Covers the ‘essentials’ of the subject to a level that is expected with the GDC’s curriculum outlined in the First Five Years document.
    • Each chapter provides a brief overview of the topic and lists the essential learning objectives for that area of study.
    • Presents key anatomical, biochemical and physiological material in a useful, integrated, clinically relevant format.
    • Includes extensive self-testing material – true false questions, extended matching questions, picture questions, and essay questions – enabling readers to assess their knowledge and perfect exam techniques.
    • Contains unique, ‘mind-map’ summary sheets to provide crucial information in a pictorial format to further promote learning.


Author Information
By Barry Berkovitz, BDS, MSc, PhD, FDS (ENG), Emeritus Reader in Dental Anatomy, King's College London, UK, Visiting Professor, Oman Dental College, Mina Al Fahal; Oman and Honorary Curator, Odontological Collection, Hunterian Museum, Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, UK; Bernard J. Moxham, BSc, BDS, PhD, FHEA, FRSB, Hon FAS, FSAE, Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; Roger W. A. Linden, BDS, PhD, MFDS, RCS, Professor of Craniofacial Biology, King's College London, London, UK and Alastair J. Sloan, BSc, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Bone Biology and Tissue Engineering, School of Dentistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK