New to this edition
- NEW! Content mapped to the VTNE domains, tasks, and knowledge statements
prepares you for taking the VTNE.
- NEW! The use and care of endoscopic equipment added to the Ultrasound and Other Imaging Modalities chapter.
Author Information
By Monica M. Tighe, RVT, BA, MEd and Marg Brown, RVT, BEd Ad Ed, Penn Foster College, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Active Member, Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians and Association of Veterinary Technician Educators
PART 1: Anatomy and Veterinary Diagnostics
1. Animal Anatomy and Physiology
2. Urinalysis and Hematology
3. Parasitology
4. Clinical Chemistry
5. Cytology
6. Diagnostic Microbiology and Mycology
7. Radiography
8. Ultrasound and Other Imaging Modalities
PART 2: Patient Management
9. Virology and Immunology
10. Sanitation, Sterilization, and Disinfection
11. Companion Animal Behavior
12. Restraint and Handling
13. Small Animal Nutrition
14. Large Animal Nutrition and Feeding
15. Genetics, Theriogenology, and Neonatal Care
16. Laboratory Animal Medicine
17. Exotic Animal Medicine
PART 3: Veterinary Therapeutics
19. Pharmacology
20. Pharmaceutical Calculations
21. Anesthesia
22. Pain Management
23. Surgical Principles
24. Small Animal Nursing
25. Equine Nursing and Surgery
26. Ruminant, South American Camelid, and Swine Nursing, Surgery and Anesthesia
27. Emergency Medicine
28. Veterinary Dentistry
PART 4: Professional Management
29. Personal, Practice, and Professional Management Skills and Ethics
Appendix A: Comprehensive Test
Appendix B: Chapter Review Answer Key
Web Appendix A. Abbreviations and Symbols
Web Appendix B. The Metric System and Equivalents
Web Appendix C. Medical Terminology
Web Appendix D. Species Names
Web Appendix E. Normal Values
Web Appendix F. Additional Veterinary Technician Resources
Expanded Comprehensive Test, containing 500 review questions
Test engine with 500 questions that can be used in Study or Exam mode