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Mosby's Pocket Guide to Cultural Health Assessment, 4th Edition

Author :
By Carolyn D'Avanzo, RN, DNSc
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New to this edition
  • A streamlined and concise format with thumb tabs dividing each section makes this pocket guide the perfect quick reference tool.
  • Thoroughly updated content includes new country names and their demographics, patient data, health care practices, and other cultural implications that affect care of today’s culturally diverse patient population.
  • New international contributors bring together a wealth of information on the specifics of care for patients from over 170 countries.
  • Includes more historical and political information for each country to provide current background information.
  • Increased emphasis on how a population appears in the worldview and how their religion affect decision-making gives you a fuller perspective on each country’s culture.
  • More information on naturalistic healing and practices helps you treat patients from a variety of backgrounds.

Author Information
By Carolyn D'Avanzo, RN, DNSc, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT