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Pharmacology for Medical Graduates - E-Book, 5th Edition

Author :
By Tara V. Shanbhag and Smita Shenoy
The fifth edition of this book is revised in accordance with the competency based medical education (CBME)curriculum of Pharmacology. The book provides factual, conceptual and applied aspects of the subject and clearly states the subject competencies ...view more
The fifth edition of this book is revised in accordance with the competency based medical education (CBME)
curriculum of Pharmacology. The book provides factual, conceptual and applied aspects of the subject and clearly states the subject competencies following recent developments and advances in pharmacology.
New to This Edition
• Completely revised in new four-colour format with ensured coverage of all competency codes integrated within the text as per new competency-based undergraduate curriculum to make the reference easy.
• Section on prescription writing to help students accurately write prescriptions.
• New topics on drugs for criminal offences, herbal medicines, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, National Health Programs.
• Treatment guidelines have been updated.
• Insertion of more than 40 case studies with questions to prepare students for problem-based learning.
Salient Features
• Thorough update of content, figures, flowcharts, and tables with addition of specific description of drugs makes learning and comprehension easier for students.
• National Tuberculosis Elimination Program have been updated as per latest treatment guidelines by Central TB Division.
• Textual presentation in tabular format makes it easy to read and interpret the information.
• Complimented with numerous tables and flowcharts for quick comprehension.
• Prepares students for both theory and viva voce.
Additional Feature
• Complimentary access to full e-book.
Publication Date :
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The fifth edition of this book is revised in accordance with the competency based medical education (CBME)
curriculum of Pharmacology. The book provides factual, conceptual and applied aspects of the subject and clearly states the subject competencies following recent developments and advances in pharmacology.
New to This Edition
• Completely revised in new four-colour format with ensured coverage of all competency codes integrated within the text as per new competency-based undergraduate curriculum to make the reference easy.
• Section on prescription writing to help students accurately write prescriptions.
• New topics on drugs for criminal offences, herbal medicines, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, National Health Programs.
• Treatment guidelines have been updated.
• Insertion of more than 40 case studies with questions to prepare students for problem-based learning.
Salient Features
• Thorough update of content, figures, flowcharts, and tables with addition of specific description of drugs makes learning and comprehension easier for students.
• National Tuberculosis Elimination Program have been updated as per latest treatment guidelines by Central TB Division.
• Textual presentation in tabular format makes it easy to read and interpret the information.
• Complimented with numerous tables and flowcharts for quick comprehension.
• Prepares students for both theory and viva voce.
Additional Feature
• Complimentary access to full e-book.

New to this edition


  1. Coverage of all competency codes integrated within the text as per new competency-based undergraduate curriculum to make the reference easy.
  2. New topics on drugs for criminal offences, herbal medicines, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, National Health Programs.
  3. Treatment guidelines have been updated.
  4. Key points have been added wherever relevant to stimulate enthusiasm for subject and also to supplement revision.
  5. More than 45 case studies with questions to prepare students for problem-based learning have been added.
  6. Section on prescription writing has been added to help students write prescriptions accurately.


Additional Feature

  1. Complimentary access to full e-book

Key Features


  1. Thoroughly updated content supported with numerous figures, flowcharts, and tables, along with addition of specific description of drugs makes learning and comprehension easy for students.
  2. National Tuberculosis Elimination Program has been updated as per latest treatment guidelines by Central TB Division.
  3. Textual presentation in tabular format makes it easy to read and interpret the information.
  4. Prepares student for both theory and viva voce exams.

Author Information
By Tara V. Shanbhag, TARA V SHANBHAG MD Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre Mukka, Surathkal, Mangalore Karnataka, India Formerly, Professor, Department of Pharmacology Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education Manipal, Karnataka, India and Smita Shenoy, SMITA SHENOY MD Additional Professor, Department of Pharmacology Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education Manipal, Karnataka, India