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By Linda G Monroe, MPT, OCS, John Muir Health, Walnut Creek, CA; Michelle H. Cameron, MD, PT, MCR, Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Neurology; Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR and Linda G Monroe, MPT, OCS, John Muir Health, Walnut Creek, CA
1. Introduction
2. Evidence-based Practice
Part One: Musculoskeletal System
3. Skeletal Demineralization
4. Posture
5. Muscle Weakness
6. Connective Tissue Dysfunction
7. Localized Inflammation
8. Spinal Disorders
9. Fractures
10. Joint Arthroplasty
11. Soft Tissue Surgery
12. Amputation and Prostheses
Part Two: Neuromuscular System
13. Balance and Fall Risk
14. Impaired Neuromotor Development
15. Pediatric Nonprogressive Central Nervous System Disorders
16. Adult Nonprogressive Central Nervous System Disorders
17. Progressive Central Nervous System Disorders
18. Peripheral Nerve Injuries
19. Polyneuropathies
20. Nonprogressive Spinal Cord Disorders
21. Disorders of Consciousness: Coma, Vegetative State and Minimally Conscious State
Part Three: Cardiopulmonary System
22. Vital Signs
23. Deconditioning
24. Airway Clearance Dysfunction
25. Congestive Heart Failure
26. Respiratory Failure
27. Lymphatic System Disorders
Part Four: Integumentary System
28. Tissue Healing and Pressure Ulcers
29. Vascular Ulcers
30. Neuropathic Ulcers
31. Burns
Part Five: Interventions Common to Many Conditions Requiring Rehabilitation
32. Gait Assessment and Training
33. Assistive Devices for Mobility: Canes, Crutches, Walkers, and Wheelchairs
34. Orthotics
"Thirty-seven physical therapy academics and practitioners from the U.S. and Canada contribute 34 chapters to a text providing physical therapist assistant students and clinicians with clear, concise recommendations for evidence-based physical therapy interventions for patients with any physical therapy diagnosis. The book is based on Cameron (OHSU, Portland, Oregon) and Monroe's (John Muir Health, Walnut Creek, CA) physical therapists' textbook, , with material adapted to address physical therapist assistants' unique needs. Suitable for the generalist as well as the specialist providing care beyond his/her area of expertise, the text contains case studies throughout which demonstrate clinical application of the concepts. Organized by preferred practice patterns, the text covers rehabilitation of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary systems, and interventions overlapping those systems. Illustrated with full-color and b&w photographs and diagrams."
- Book News, Inc.