Pocketbook of Emergency Care E-Book, 1st Edition
The Pocketbook of Emergency Care is the first text designed for use by the professional paramedic at the roadside. The contents are formatted to be easily accessible when specific informatoin is required in an emergency situation. Although arimed at paramedics it is a useful, practical handbook for emergency medical technicians, advanced first aiders, combat medical technicians and practitioners of emergency medical care in remote and rural environments. The book covers the immediate management of acute medical emergencies, major trauma, minor injuries and environmental problems as well as covering the interaction with other emergency services and coping with major incidents. The Pocketbook is an up-to-date synopsis of pre-hospital emergency medicine and includes the most recent European Resuscitation Council algorithms along with recent military medical advances in the management of major trauma patients. The text is based on the popular Emergency Care Textbook for Paramedics, also published by Saunders Elsevier, which can be used as a reference text in conjunction with the Pocketbook.
Publication Date :
The Pocketbook of Emergency Care is the first text designed for use by the professional paramedic at the roadside. The contents are formatted to be easily accessible when specific informatoin is required in an emergency situation. Although arimed at paramedics it is a useful, practical handbook for emergency medical technicians, advanced first aiders, combat medical technicians and practitioners of emergency medical care in remote and rural environments. The book covers the immediate management of acute medical emergencies, major trauma, minor injuries and environmental problems as well as covering the interaction with other emergency services and coping with major incidents. The Pocketbook is an up-to-date synopsis of pre-hospital emergency medicine and includes the most recent European Resuscitation Council algorithms along with recent military medical advances in the management of major trauma patients. The text is based on the popular Emergency Care Textbook for Paramedics, also published by Saunders Elsevier, which can be used as a reference text in conjunction with the Pocketbook.
Key Features
• essential guidelines for paramedic practice
• presented in at-a-glance format for quick reference
• illustrated
• flexicover for durability
• presented in at-a-glance format for quick reference
• illustrated
• flexicover for durability
Author Information
By Ian Greaves, QHS, OStJ FRCP FCEM FIMC RCS(Ed) FRGS, DTM&H DMCC DipMedEd RAMC, Defence Consultant Advisor in Emergency Medicine; Visiting Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Teesside; Consultant in Emergency Medicine, British Army, Middlesborough, UK; Keith Porter, MB BS FRCS FRCS(Ed) FIMC RCS(Ed) FSEM FCEM, Consultant Trauma Surgeon, Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, UK; Professor of Clinical Traumatology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK; Chris Wright, MB ChB, DipIMC, MCEM, RAMC, ADMEM, Specialist Registrar in Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Care, British Army, Researcher, Academic Department of Military Emergency Medicine, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, HEMS Doctor, Midlands Air Ambulance; Malcolm Woollard, MPH, MBA, MA(Ed), DipIMC(RCSEd), PGCE, RN, SRPara, FASI, Consultat Paramedic and Director, Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care Research Unit, Visiting Professor in Pre-hospital emergency Care, University of Teeside and Colonel Timothy J Hodgetts, CBE QHP MMEd MBA CMgr FRCP FRCSEd FCEM FIMCRCSEd FIHM FCMI L/RAMC, Defence Professor of Emergency Medicine, College of Emergency Medicine, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, UK