This issue of the Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America focuses on Sialendoscopy and Minimally Invasive Salivary Gland Surgery, and is edited by Drs. Michael D. Turner and Maria J. Troulis. Articles will include: Surgical Armamentarium for Sialendoscopy; Surgical Techniques for the Management of Parotid Salivary Duct Strictures; Surgical Techniques for the Management Submandibular Salivary Duct Strictures; Surgical Retrieval of Parotid Stones; Surgical Retrieval of Submandibular Stones; Ultrasound Guided Salivary Gland Techniques and Interpretations; Combined Parotid Technique; Combined Submandibular Techniques; Robot Assisted Glandular Surgery; Extra-corporeal Lithotripsy; Intra-corporeal Lithotripsy, and more!
Author Information
By Michael D. Turner, DDS, MD, FACS and Maria J. Troulis, DDS, MSc, Associate Professor, Director of Minimally Invasive Surgery Program, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA
Surgical Armamentarium for Sialendoscopy
Surgical Techniques for the Management of Parotid Salivary Duct Strictures
Surgical Techniques for the Management of Submandibular Salivary Duct Strictures
Surgical Retrieval of Parotid Stones
Surgical Retrieval of Submandibular Stones
Ultrasound-Guided Salivary Gland Techniques and Interpretations Contents
Combined Parotid Techniques
Combined Surgical Approaches for the Removal of Submandibular Gland Sialoliths
Robot-Assisted Glandular Surgery
Intracorporeal Lithotripsy