Skull Base Imaging, An Issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America, 1st Edition
This issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America focuses on Skull Base Imaging, and is edited by Dr. Nafi Aygun. Articles will include: Overview of Expanded Endonasal Approaches to the Skull Base for Radiologists; Imaging of Paranasal Sinuses and Anterior Skull Base; Imaging of the Sella Turcica and Pituitary Gland; Imaging of Diplopia; Imaging of the Central Skull Base; Imaging of Vascular Compression Syndromes (Including Trigeminal Neuralgia and Hemifacial Spasm); Imaging of the Posterior Skull Base (Lower Cranial Nerves Excluding the 7th and 8th Nerves); Imaging Evaluation and Treatment of Vascular Lesions at the Skull Base; Perineural Spread of Tumor in the Skull Base; Advanced Imaging Techniques of the Skull Base; High Resolution Imaging of the Skull Base; Imaging of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea and Otorrhea, and more!
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This issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America focuses on Skull Base Imaging, and is edited by Dr. Nafi Aygun. Articles will include: Overview of Expanded Endonasal Approaches to the Skull Base for Radiologists; Imaging of Paranasal Sinuses and Anterior Skull Base; Imaging of the Sella Turcica and Pituitary Gland; Imaging of Diplopia; Imaging of the Central Skull Base; Imaging of Vascular Compression Syndromes (Including Trigeminal Neuralgia and Hemifacial Spasm); Imaging of the Posterior Skull Base (Lower Cranial Nerves Excluding the 7th and 8th Nerves); Imaging Evaluation and Treatment of Vascular Lesions at the Skull Base; Perineural Spread of Tumor in the Skull Base; Advanced Imaging Techniques of the Skull Base; High Resolution Imaging of the Skull Base; Imaging of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea and Otorrhea, and more!
Author Information
By Nafi Aygun, MD, Division of Neuroradiology
Johns Hopkins University