Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing - E-Book, 9th Edition
Get the proven guidance you need to succeed in both nursing school and professional LPN/LVN practice with Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing, From Student to Leader, 9th Edition. Focusing on must-have leadership and problem-solving skills, this unique, market-leading text covers the soft skills that are essential for success in nursing school, in the job market, and in professional practice. Topics build on each other in a logical manner, beginning with tools you’ll need for success in class, continuing to the skills needed in LPN/LVN practice, and culminating in the higher-level roles and responsibilities of the LPN/LVN as a leader. The newest feature box on empowerment introduces you to the concepts of self-reflection, self-growth, and power to enhance your student experience and accomplish positive outcomes in nursing school and in practice. Additionally, like in previous editions, Critical Thinking and Try This! boxes are incorporated throughout this ninth edition to challenge you in thinking outside of the box to solve personal, academic, and professional situations. There are also practice review questions at the end of each chapter help you prepare for the NCLEX-PN® examination and chapters on Workforce Trends and Nurse State Practice Acts to help you easily move from the academic to the practice setting. With all its proven guidance and insight, this text is must-have for any LPN/LVN student wanting to find success in today’s demanding healthcare environment.
Get the proven guidance you need to succeed in both nursing school and professional LPN/LVN practice with Success in Practical/Vocational Nursing, From Student to Leader, 9th Edition. Focusing on must-have leadership and problem-solving skills, this unique, market-leading text covers the soft skills that are essential for success in nursing school, in the job market, and in professional practice. Topics build on each other in a logical manner, beginning with tools you’ll need for success in class, continuing to the skills needed in LPN/LVN practice, and culminating in the higher-level roles and responsibilities of the LPN/LVN as a leader. The newest feature box on empowerment introduces you to the concepts of self-reflection, self-growth, and power to enhance your student experience and accomplish positive outcomes in nursing school and in practice. Additionally, like in previous editions, Critical Thinking and Try This! boxes are incorporated throughout this ninth edition to challenge you in thinking outside of the box to solve personal, academic, and professional situations. There are also practice review questions at the end of each chapter help you prepare for the NCLEX-PN® examination and chapters on Workforce Trends and Nurse State Practice Acts to help you easily move from the academic to the practice setting. With all its proven guidance and insight, this text is must-have for any LPN/LVN student wanting to find success in today’s demanding healthcare environment.
New to this edition
- NEW! Empowerment feature boxes introduce tools to help you affect positive outcomes in class, clinicals, and professional practice.
- NEW! Updated content on delegation prepares you for immediate leadership positions upon graduation.
Key Features
- Collaborative Care boxes introduce you to management tools and leadership activities.
- Critical Thinking boxes provide critical thinking and problem-solving opportunities throughout the chapter to enhance your understanding.
- Try This! boxes cover activities related to topics discussed in the text that can be utilized in simulation or role-play scenarios in class.
- Professional Pointers boxes give advice on nursing best practices in the professional arena during and after nursing school.
- Chapter on community resources covers tools and resources that you can find within your community to help you with learning, personal, and family needs that could interfere with success in school.
- Storytelling narratives at the beginning of each chapter use true stories to enhance your learning and demonstrate the relevancy of key topics.
- Test-taking and interview preparation tips focus on preparing you to take the NCLEX-PN Examination and provide information on applications, interviews, and the job search — including electronic resumes.
- Get Ready for the NCLEX-PN® Examination section at the end of the text contains key points, critical thinking scenarios, additional learning resources, and review questions for the NCLEX-PN Examination — including alternate format items in every chapter.
- Full-color design and visuals makes this text visually appealing and easy to read.
- Numbered objectives open each chapter and provide a framework for content.
- Key points at the end of each chapter summarize chapter highlights and serve as an excellent review tool.
- Key terms with phonetic pronunciations are at the beginning of each chapter and in full color at first mention in the text to assist you in improving and supplementing your terminology and language skills before entering clinical practice.
- References are arranged by chapter at the end of the book to give you resources for further understanding of text concepts.
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