Techniques in Facial Plastic Surgery: Discussion and Debate, Part II, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, 1st Edition
A panel of experts in facial plastic surgery procedures respond to questions regarding their approaches, techniques, outcomes, and overviews of specific procedures. Surgeons address cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries in Neuromodulators, Hair Replacement, Upper Face Rejuvenation, Blepharoplasty, Le Fort Fractures, Implants, and Auricular Deformities. This is the second of a two-volume presentation, the first volume presenting topics covering Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty, Facelift, Midface Lift, Chemical Peels, Laser Resurfacing, Lip Augmentation, Mandible Fractures, Subcondylar Fractures, Facial Reanimation, Injectables and Fillers, and Fat Grafting.
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A panel of experts in facial plastic surgery procedures respond to questions regarding their approaches, techniques, outcomes, and overviews of specific procedures. Surgeons address cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries in Neuromodulators, Hair Replacement, Upper Face Rejuvenation, Blepharoplasty, Le Fort Fractures, Implants, and Auricular Deformities. This is the second of a two-volume presentation, the first volume presenting topics covering Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty, Facelift, Midface Lift, Chemical Peels, Laser Resurfacing, Lip Augmentation, Mandible Fractures, Subcondylar Fractures, Facial Reanimation, Injectables and Fillers, and Fat Grafting.
Author Information
By Fred G. Fedok, MD, FACS, Fedok Plastic Surgery and Laser Center, Adjunct Professor, Department of Surgery, University of South Alabama and Robert Kellman, MD, Upstate University Hospital