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Textbook of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology: Principles & Practice - e-book, 6th Edition

Author :
By Krishan Vij
Keeping the academically strong content and much appreciated way of imparting information intact, this edition has been revamped and revised to update the topics and information.
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Keeping the academically strong content and much appreciated way of imparting information intact, this edition has been revamped and revised to update the topics and information.

Key Features

• Revamped and revised edition carrying the latest information.

• Radical changes have been made in the chapters carrying extreme medicolegal significance in the prevailing scenario, namely—Asphyxial Deaths (especially the herculean issue of hanging vs. strangulation); Medicolegal Examination of the Living (with eloquent analysis of the latest anti-rape law); Medicolegal Implications of Injuries (especially clarifying the concept of endangering life/dangerous to life); Firearm Injures; Medical Negligence through latest case-law, etc.

• Relevant cases have been instilled to illustrate medicolegal principles encountered during day-to-day problems.

• Highly illustrated text with new photographs, line drawings, flowcharts, and tables for easy understanding and presentation.

• Reflects author’s experience of more than three decades and the knowledge gathered from extensive reading, interactions, deliberations, etc.

• Online access to MCQs with this editiion.

Author Information
By Krishan Vij