The Physiotherapist’s Pocket Book is an exceptionally comprehensive, handy reference that is ideal for clinicians in their daily practice and students on core clinical placements – musculoskeletal, neurology, respiratory. The second edition of this extremely popular book has been updated and expanded to make it even more invaluable during clinical practice. It is designed to be a useful aide memoir during assessment and treatment planning with instant access to key facts and figures.
New to this edition
- New sections on neuromusculoskeletal anatomy and pathology
- Additional material on drugs, special tests and assessment tools
- Now includes diagnostic imaging, ECGs, nerve courses and interfaces, trigger points and joint complexes
- Over 90 illustrations
Key Features
- A to Z list of pathologies
- Contraindications to treatment
- Pharmacology section with over 150 drugs described
- Biochemical and haematological values
- Common abbreviations
Author Information
By Karen Kenyon, MRes, BSc (Hons), BA (Hons), MCSP, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust, UK and Jonathan Kenyon, MSc, PGCert (Independent Prescribing), BSc (Hons), MMACP, MCSP, Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Section 1 Neuromusculoskeletal anatomyMusculoskeletal anatomy illustrationsBrachial plexusLumbosacral plexusPeripheral nerve motor innervationPeripheral nerve sensory innervationDermatomesMyotomesReflexesCommon locations for palpation of pulsesReferences and further reading
Section 2 MusculoskeletalMuscle innervation chartMuscles listed by functionAlphabetical listing of musclesThe Medical Research Council scale for muscle powerTrigger pointsNormal joint range of movementAverage range of segmental movementClose packed positions and capsular patterns for selected jointsCommon posturesBeighton hypermobility score Beighton criteria: diagnostic criteria for benign joint hypermobility syndromeCommon classifications of fracturesClassification of ligament and muscle sprainsCommon musculoskeletal testsNeurodynamic testsPrecautions with physical neural examination and managementNerve pathwaysDiagnostic triage for back pain (including red flags)Psychosocial yellow flagsMusculoskeletal assessmentReferences and further reading
Section 3 NeurologyNeuroanatomy illustrationsSigns and symptoms of cerebrovascular lesionsSigns and symptoms of injury to the lobes of the brainSigns and symptoms of haemorrhage to other areas of the brainCranial nervesCranial nervesKey features of upper and lower motor neurone lesionsFunctional implications of spinal cord injuryGlossary of neurological termsNeurological testsModified Ashworth scaleNeurological assessmentReferences and further reading
Section 4 RespiratoryRespiratory anatomy illustrationsRespiratory volumes and capacitiesChest X-raysAuscultationPercussion noteInterpreting blood gas valuesRespiratory failureNasal cannulaSputum analysisModes of mechanical ventilationCardiorespiratory monitoringECGsBiochemical and haematological studiesTreatment techniquesTracheostomiesRespiratory assessmentReferences and further reading
Section 5 PathologyAlphabetical listing of pathologiesDiagnostic imaging Electrodiagnostic tests
Section 6 PharmacologyDrug classesA–Z of drugsPrescription abbreviationsFurther reading
Section 7 AppendicesMaitland symbolsGrades of mobilization/manipulationAbbreviationsPrefixes and suffixesAdult basic life supportPaediatric basic life supportConversions and unitsLaboratory values Physiotherapy management of the spontaneously breathing, acutely breathless patient
"This pocket sized book is an absolute gem for the new student physiotherapist. It is packed full of the basic (and some more advanced) facts that you learn and put in to practice during early lectures and placements. In fact I’m sure it's a handy reminder even for experienced physiotherapists every now and then. The plastic cover and size make the book both convenient and hard wearing and therefore ideal to keep in your pocket and use day to day. The layout into Respiratory, Neurological, Pharmacology and Musculoskeletal sections make for easy referencing and finding facts quickly and efficiently. This is aided further by the appendices and clear diagrams and illustrations. Colour coded text hightlighting titles from facts makes for easy browsing and information finding. Anatomy, specific tests, brain regions, dermatomes and myotomes, muscles and bones and common conditions are all covered in this goldmine of information. I can't fault this book in anyway when it comes to covering the basics of the knowledge and skills the physiotherapist needs and utilises day to day."Nicholas Downing, Physiotherapy student, University of Birmingham