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Travel Medicine E-Book, 4th Edition

Author :
By Jay S. Keystone, CM, MD, MSc(CTM), FRCPC, Phyllis E. Kozarsky, MD, Bradley A. Connor, Hans D. Nothdurft, MD, Marc Mendelson, MD, PhD and Karin Leder
Includes new chapters to assist your care of specific populations such as those engaging in ecotourism or military travel, as well as the VIP traveler. A new chapter on pre-travel considerations for non-vaccine preventable travel infections has also ...view more
  • Includes new chapters to assist your care of specific populations such as those engaging in ecotourism or military travel, as well as the VIP traveler. A new chapter on pre-travel considerations for non-vaccine preventable travel infections has also been added.
  • Provides new information on new influenza and shingles vaccines, microbiome and drug resistance, Zika and the pregnant or breastfeeding traveler, the Viagra effect and increase in STIs, refugees and immigrants, and much more.
  • Covers new methods of prevention of dengue virus, Zika virus, chikungunya virus, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome, sleeping sickness, and avian flu.
  • New illustrations and numerous new tables and boxes provide visual guidance and make reference quick and easy.
  • Helps you prepare for the travel medicine examination with convenient cross references to the ISTM "body of knowledge" in specific chapters and/or passages in the book.
  • Keeps you updated on remote destinations and the unique perils they present.
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  • Includes new chapters to assist your care of specific populations such as those engaging in ecotourism or military travel, as well as the VIP traveler. A new chapter on pre-travel considerations for non-vaccine preventable travel infections has also been added.
  • Provides new information on new influenza and shingles vaccines, microbiome and drug resistance, Zika and the pregnant or breastfeeding traveler, the Viagra effect and increase in STIs, refugees and immigrants, and much more.
  • Covers new methods of prevention of dengue virus, Zika virus, chikungunya virus, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome, sleeping sickness, and avian flu.
  • New illustrations and numerous new tables and boxes provide visual guidance and make reference quick and easy.
  • Helps you prepare for the travel medicine examination with convenient cross references to the ISTM "body of knowledge" in specific chapters and/or passages in the book.
  • Keeps you updated on remote destinations and the unique perils they present.

  • Key Features
  • Includes new chapters to assist your care of specific populations such as those engaging in ecotourism or military travel, as well as the VIP traveler. A new chapter on pre-travel considerations for non-vaccine preventable travel infections has also been added.
  • Provides new information on new influenza and shingles vaccines, microbiome and drug resistance, Zika and the pregnant or breastfeeding traveler, the Viagra effect and increase in STIs, refugees and immigrants, and much more.
  • Covers new methods of prevention of dengue virus, Zika virus, chikungunya virus, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome, sleeping sickness, and avian flu.
  • New illustrations and numerous new tables and boxes provide visual guidance and make reference quick and easy.
  • Helps you prepare for the travel medicine examination with convenient cross references to the ISTM "body of knowledge" in specific chapters and/or passages in the book.
  • Keeps you updated on remote destinations and the unique perils they present.

  • Author Information
    By Jay S. Keystone, CM, MD, MSc(CTM), FRCPC, Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto; Staff Physician, Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; Phyllis E. Kozarsky, MD, Professor Emerita, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA; Bradley A. Connor, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine; Hans D. Nothdurft, MD, Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine; Head, University Travel Clinic, University of Munich, Munich, Germany; Marc Mendelson, MD, PhD, Principal Specialist and Head,Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine, Department of Medicine,Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town,Cape Town, South Africa and Karin Leder, Associate Professor,Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine,Monash University,Melbourne,Director of Travel Medicine and Immigrant Health,Victorian Infectious Disease Service,Royal Melbourne Hospital,Victoria,Australia